วิทยากร : อ.วัฒนา วาทะพล C.HRD., FIT Pro วิทยากรผู้เชี่ยวชาญการฝึกอบรม อาทิ : Competency, Competency based hrm/hrm, Competency base interview, Competency management, Training Management, Training Development, HRD Management, Training Analysis, Design A Curriculum, Design Course For Training, HR Development System, Teamwork, Negotiation Skill, Negotiation Skill For Selling, Personality Development, Teamwork, Coaching Skill, Public Speaking, Train The Trainer, Selling Process, Service Mind, Leadership, Supervisory Skill, Pro Presentation Skill, Negotiation Skill, Selling Process, Selling Skill, Power Closing, Sales Management, Coaching, Course for Success and etc.
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